Competitive Bids
Home Values

Competitive Bids On The Decline

Townhouses were more likely to receive multiple bids. Just over 60% of home offers encountered competitive bids on a seasonally adjusted basis in April, the lowest level since March 2021, says online real estate brokerage […]

Housing Market
Home Values

Hottest Housing Market Ever

People spent $2.8 trillion on homes last year, setting an all-time high. KEY TAKEAWAYS According to the report, at the end of 2021, prices were 50% above their highest point before the market crash in […]

Loan Markets

Bankers Pessimistic About The Next Year

Forty-six percent of bank executives predict overall economic conditions will worsen over the next 12 months Bankers are not feeling good about the next year. According to a survey released Wednesday by IntraFi Network, 46% of bank […]

Home Builders Feel Less Confident
Loan Markets

Home Builders Feel Less Confident

Builder confidence posted a significant drop in May as affordability challenges dimmed expectations. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, which measures builder sentiment, fell in May for the fifth consecutive month […]

Loan Markets

Purchase and Refinance Applications Tumble

Mortgage application activity, which had been on the rebound this month, suffered its largest loss since mid-February during the week ended May 13. Applications for both refinancing and home purchase took double digit hits. The Mortgage […]