Gen Z
Commercial Real Estate

Gen Z Fuels Apartment Demand in 2022

This young generation of renters is spearheading the revival of America’s largest cities. Just like the Millennials who headed for the big cities in the wake of the Great Recession, Gen Z renters are moving […]

Lease Renewals
Commercial Real Estate

Lease Renewals Hit All-Time High

Despite increased rates, renters are not feeling the push to leave their current apartments for something less expensive, says columnist Lew Sichelman. Rents are increasing at record rates, but that has not pushed many residents […]

Home Values

Single-family rentals and the housing crunch

In the last two years, the single-family housing market has been hot, with high sales volumes, rising prices and low available inventory. Institutional investors buying up properties for conversion to single-family rentals (SFR) has been cited […]