Paris region now has over 1,000 listings with step-free accessibility features


Airbnb, Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic partner, announces that 1,000 listings with step-free accessibility features1 are now available on the platform in the Paris region alone, with many still bookable for the Paralympics. This milestone is the result of a number of initiatives launched by the platform and its partners ahead of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 and beyond.

Airbnb is committed to making travel more accessible and has introduced a number of innovations to help guests book listings that meet their needs, including a detailed set of search filters for specific accessibility features, like step-free bedroom access and accessible parking spot, and the Adapted category, a collection of homes that at a minimum have step-free access to the home and step-free access to at least one bedroom and bathroom, plus at least one accessibility feature in the bathroom.

To support the goals of the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee and the Paris 2024 Organising Committee and with the expected growing demand for accommodations with accessibility features for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, Airbnb prioritized increasing the number of homes with accessibility features in the Paris region, with a focus on listings with frequently requested step-free features2.

To support the goals of the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee and the Paris 2024 Organising Committee, and with the expected growing demand for accommodations with accessibility features for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, Airbnb prioritized increasing the number of homes with accessibility features in the Paris region, with a focus on listings with step-free features to help support those with reduced mobility.

To achieve that goal, we’ve partnered with France’s leading disability organization APF France handicap, para-athletes like Axel Alletru and Sofiane Mehiaoui, and leading 3D spatial company Matterport, to raise awareness about the opportunity of hosting, and to provide tailored support to hosts who consider opening the doors of their homes with accessibility features. These initiatives include educational content, one-to-one guidance and tools, and free 3D scans to help new and existing Airbnb hosts showcase the accessibility features of their homes on the platform.

Hundreds of listings with accessibility features still bookable for the Paralympic Games Paris 2024

Those collaborations have been instrumental in identifying and adding homes with verified accessibility features on Airbnb. Today, more than 1,000 listings with step-free accessibility features are now available on the platform in the Paris region alone, including nearly 300 with at least one accessibility feature in the bathroom2, many of which are still bookable for the upcoming Paralympic Games.

These listings include a wide range of beautiful flats and homes with accessibility features throughout the region, allowing guests to find listings that meet their needs that also offer a memorable and enjoyable way to visit Paris for the Olympic Games.  Every accessibility feature added by hosts has been reviewed and confirmed by Airbnb, with each listing featuring photos of the confirmed features to help guests determine if a listing meets their unique needs. Guests can find and book listings by using our dedicated accessibility search filters, browsing the Adapted Category and visiting our dedicated Paris 2024 home page.

Discover the 10 most wishlisted homes with step-free accessibility features in Paris region:

Beautiful apartment with a terrace in Le-Pré-Saint-Gervais 

Pavilion in the heart of Paris

Luxury apartment in Paris 

Apartment with a garden in Paris 

Beautiful home in Montreuil

“Making travel more accessible is an important priority for Airbnb. The Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 are a catalyst for change, and we wanted to help enable as many guests with mobility needs as possible to attend this once-in-a-lifetime event. I’m incredibly proud of the progress we have made with the help of our Hosts and AFP France handicap to reach this significant milestone, and we hope this supply will have a long lasting legacy on accommodations for people with accessibility needs in the Paris region going forward. Our work doesn’t stop here. We will continue working to add more listings with accessibility features and improve the travel experience for guests with accessibility needs in France and abroad”.

Clément Eulry, Country manager for France and Belgium

“We have been working with Airbnb for over a year to prepare for Paris 2024. We are delighted with this important step, which will help meet the accommodation needs of people with reduced mobility for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and for the years to come. We are seeing the results of this collaboration, and we look forward to continue working with the Airbnb teams on this topic!”

Serge Widawski, APF France handicap Director

I am a firefighter and helping others is my calling. When I was contacted by Airbnb, I did not hesitate to follow the process to reference my home as a listing which is suited for people with a disability. It’s important for me to offer the opportunity for everyone to benefit from comfortable and quality accommodation ahead of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond!”

Thomas, Host on Airbnb in Meaux, close to Vaires-sur-Marns nautical stadium which will host the rowing and canoe-kayak events

Airbnb’s effort is exemplary. This initiative marks a significant step forward for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Thanks to the Olympic and Paralympic Games  Paris 2024, this progress has been rapid and tangible, with 1,000 accommodations with step-free accessibility features now available in the Paris region. This new offer increases the number of beneficiaries and we are proud to have contributed to this thinking. I am convinced that this represents the first step towards a new era of inclusive travel”

Ludivine Munos, Head of Paralympic Integration

Learn more about accessibility during the Games by visiting the Paris 2024 page.

For more information about Airbnb’s commitment to making travel more accessible, please visit our dedicated accessibility page.

The post Paris region now has over 1,000 listings with step-free accessibility features appeared first on Airbnb Newsroom.

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