Nevada brothel offers discount to residents of Utah, the ‘most sexually repressed state’


These courteous courtesans are taking the tip off of Beehive State residents’ bills.

A legal brothel in Wells, Nevada has announced that, for the rest of 2023, customers with an ID from neighboring Utah will enjoy a 10% discount on “all sensual services” provided by its workers.

“Utah is our nation’s most sexually repressed state,” said Madam Bella Cummins, who has owned and operated Bella’s Hacienda Ranch for the past 37 years.  Wells is located about an hour’s drive from the Utah state line.

This year, Utah implemented a law requiring age verification for all porn sites in the name of creating “reasonable safeguards for our children,” as Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes said in a statement — responding to a judge’s dismissal of a lawsuit against the legislation, PBS reported.

As a result of the law — the most recent of a slate of anti-porn legislation in Utah — adult content has become significantly harder for residents to access online, and Pornhub has even blocked site access there.

Overall it contributes enormously to “an environment where men conceal their desires in shame, longing for an outlet where they can freely express their sexual selves without fear of judgment,” continued Cummins who, at 73, is the longest-serving living female brothel owner, according to materials provided to The Post.

Bella’s is the closest legal brothel to Utah.
Madam Bella Cummins has owned and operated the brothel for nearly four decades
Madam Bella Cummins.
The ranch is grateful for Utah residents’ service, explained Cummins.

Cummins hopes her Ranch’s discount can “provide much needed relief to Utahns yearning for a remote place where they can privately explore their desires with nonjudgmental sex workers in a secluded setting, devoid of concerns about legal ramifications or potential exposure within their community.”

In addition to helping Utahns have some mature fun, the madam explained she’s also offering the coitus coupon as a gesture of appreciation toward her clients from just over state lines.

“For decades, my establishment has been the go-to bordello for Salt Lake City punters. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, my business was temporarily shuttered, casting an air of uncertainty over the brothel’s future,” said Cummins. “When we finally reopened, my Utah patrons returned in droves, significantly contributing to the resurgence of my business. The time has come for me to express my gratitude for the unwavering support of these valued clients.”

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