Source: CEO World —
If you are a high net worth individual or are a high-income earner, you should consider real estate for these four reasons: tax benefits, passive income, long term asset appreciation, and leverage. Real estate is currently on the forefront of everybody’s radar since the last the crash in 2008-2010. But has anyone ever explained why it is such a wealth building and income protecting investment vehicle?
No? Well, as an investor and an attorney I routinely advise clients on real estate issues and help them with their investments. In this article I will explain to you why real estate should be part of your investment portfolio and why you should get in now while the market is cooling.
Real estate is one of the few asset classes with multiple tax benefits that are under appreciated by financial advisors. Why? It could be that financial advisors don’t make a commission on them or that you actually do not need a financial advisor to get into real estate. Not to diminish the role of your advisor but you do not need a financial advisor to understand these tax benefits of real estate.